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There are two ways to access and use the Bible Paintings. Below, you'll find each of the lessons. These pages are a great way to explore Bible Painting as a devotion. Each lesson includes the verses as well as questions for discussion.

You can also access the Bible Paintings as printable cards that you can take with you. Click the the link below to access the Bible Painting cards. The cards do not include the devotional questions, but just the verses.

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We believe there is only one true God. Because of that, we begin with the question, who is God? It is paramount that we distinguish and clarify whom we worship when our culture defines God in so many different ways. God has revealed Himself to us through Scripture so that we may know Him and glorify Him.

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God reveals Himself to everyone everywhere through general revelation, but it is only by God's personal revelation that anyone comes to a saving knowledge of God. God has revealed Himself to us so that we might know Him and worship Him. We seek to hear from God and test what we hear by the Word of God. Our understanding of his revelation and our view of Scripture will dramatically affect all our other beliefs.

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The way in which we view our world begins with our understanding of our origins. God created the first human beings, Adam and Eve, as male and female, equal in dignity, value, and worth, in order to mirror and reflect God as an act of worship and obedience. Human beings, as image bearers of God, are under God, yet over creation, not to be pulled up like gods or pushed down like animals. Creation is a gift from God and needs to be taken care of.

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We were created as persons by a personal God. The Scriptures explain this by how, unlike the rest of creation, we are. God formed us and then breathed life into us. Because of this everyone has worth and value. Our purpose in life is rooted in the fact that we are created in the image of God. What does it mean to be created in God’s image and how that should affect the way we view God and ourselves.

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Something is very wrong! No matter how much money we spend, how many elections we hold, how many organizations we start, how many complaints we have, how many tears we cry, or how many wars we wage, boredom, fears, tragedies, suffering, injustice, evil, sickness, pain, and death continue. Why? Because of the fall and sin enters. In order to understand the condition of our world, and ultimately the plan of redemption, we must know the origin and nature of sin. 

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Because of who God is, we know that God makes and keeps his covenant promises. God’s covenants reveal His loving grace and mercy, because although people deserve nothing but condemnation, God gives gracious, covenantal salvation. Because God has welcomed us into eternal covenant relationship, we seek to live in loving relationship with Him and others.

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God detailed to His people who was coming to save them, how the Messiah would come, where the Messiah would come, when the Messiah would come, and why the Messiah would come so that they would anticipate Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, they did not recognize him. Fortunately, God has made a better way for us. “So Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many people; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.” (Heb. 9:28). He is the Lamb of God.

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Jesus Christ lived a perfect and sinless life, died in the place of sinners, absorbing the wrath of God, paying the penalty for our sins and reconciling us to God. On the cross Jesus Christ suffered and died in our place to forgive us, love us, cleanse us, and embrace us as the punishment for our sins was shifted from us to Jesus. Because Jesus died for our sins we confess our sins to Jesus Christ and one another, put sin to death in our life, forgive one another, and invite others to do the same.

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Jesus Christ, after dying on the cross, arose bodily from the grave on the third day. Through faith we are raised with Christ, and granted the same Holy Spirit power that raised Christ. The benefits of Jesus’ resurrection include the forgiveness of sins, justification, sanctification, and ultimately glorification. His righteousness is imparted to us at the time of saving faith, and brings us new life by the Holy Spirit, which regenerates us with a new nature and begins sanctifying us to become increasingly more like Jesus. Because Jesus is alive forever, we confidently trust that one day we will likewise rise from our grave to live together as God’s people with Him forever.

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The local church is a community of regenerated believers who confess Jesus Christ as Lord. In obedience to Scripture, Christians organize under qualified leadership, gather regularly for preaching and worship, observe the sacraments of baptism and Communion, are unified by the Spirit in love, are corrected for holiness, and scatter to fulfill the great commandment and the great commission as missionaries to the world. We develop Kingdom ministry and are devoted to building up our local church family.

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We are unceasing worshipers created to continually outpour all they are, all they do, and all they can to God. Worship includes praise, proclamation, service, participation, sacrifice, and submission. We believe that the corporate worship of a local church is to be God-centered. We believe that the corporate church worship should include Bible preaching, the sacraments, prayer, Scripture reading, financial giving, and singing and music. Because we are worshippers, we embrace our corporate church gatherings, as an opportunity to worship God in practical ways.

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Christians are to be stewards who gladly acknowledge that they belong to God, that everything they have belongs to God, and that everything ultimately belongs to God. Stewards should value both work and Sabbath so that their time and energy are well managed. We believe that all spiritual gifts are a special grace of the Holy Spirit, given to us to serve the mission of Jesus. Because God has been generous to us, we seek to love and serve others as generous and wise stewards for God.

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Upon Jesus’ second coming, there will be a bodily resurrection for everyone, to either eternal salvation or condemnation. The time between Jesus’ resurrection and our resurrection is a lengthy ministry season of love, grace, and mercy as news of the gospel goes forth, inviting sinners to repent of sin and enjoy the present and future salvation of Jesus Christ. We long for the day when God’s Kingdom will be established upon this earth by His son Jesus Christ as he ushers in the fullness of the Kingdom of God.

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