Events at Guthrie Grove

A look at what's going on at the Grove.

Our Calendar

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  • October 20 - Pastor Appreciation Day
  • October 22- Sister's Act
  • October 26 - Fall Festival in the church parking lot 5:30-8:00pm
  • October 26- November 18 - Fall Food Drive. Start by bringing non perishable food items to Fall Festival!!!
  • October 27 - Youth Sunday - the Youth of the church will be leading the Worship Service
  • November 2 - Men’s breakfast at 8am in the Social Hall
  • November 1-3 - SE Conference Fall Youth Retreat at Blowing Rock NC
  • November 3 - Sunday School First Sunday 
  • November 12 - Senior Luncheon
  • November 20 - “Friendsgiving” potluck.  Bring a dish to share for the Wednesday night meal.
  • November 28 - Thanksgiving Holiday

Classes & Services

Join us on Sundays in serving God and loving people!

Services begin at 11 am in the sanctuary. Classes are available for all ages at 10 am.

Watch our previous series

Sunday Morning Classes @ 10 am

Tuesday @ 11 am
- Small Group w/ Joe James

Wednesday Night @ 7 pm
- Classes for all ages

Our annual events

Each year, we have a number of events that are important to us.  Here are just a few that we look forward to each season.

Christmas Program​ (December) - Celebrating the birth of our Savior at the end of the year.

Vacation Bible School​ - Vacation Bible School brings to life Bible stories through songs, videos, drama, and classes while encouraging friendships, fellowship and outreach for our youth.  This summer program each June is sponsored by the Sunday School Department.

Thanksgiving Program​ - A program to focus on being thankful and celebrating Thanksgiving Day.

Southeast Camp​ - This week of camp each June allows youth to participate in praise & worship, Bible classes, personal bible study, and team building with a full schedule of activities including hiking and canoeing.

FUEL Youth Camp - A week long camp in Indiana that allows our Senior Youth and church Youth Workers to build their personal relationship with God through worship and praise, classes and bible study while being a part of services, Bible-quizzing, and enjoying fellowship with other youth from across the nation.

Fall Retreat​ - This regional retreat allows youth to participate in praise & worship, Bible Classes, personal bible study, and hear from Speakers while enjoying the beautiful mountains in Blowing Rock, NC.

Ski Retreat​ - Weekend retreat for kids ages 8th grade and up held at a retreat in Blowing Rock, NC.

Everybody’s Birthday​ - Celebrating everybody’s birthday together as a church.

Men’s Retreat ​- Weekend retreat for men at the Bonclarken Conference Center in Hendersonville, NC.

Women’s Retreat​ - Weekend retreat for women at the Bonclarken Conference Center in Hendersonville, NC.

Souper Bowl of Caring - A community service project that allows students to collect non-perishable food items and monetary gifts for the local food pantry. (Collection ends on Super Bowl Sunday)

Marching for Missions​ - During the month of March we discover the Missions work that is conducted around the globe and youth learn ways that they can spread the good news to other nations.

Acts of Random Kindness Month (ARK) – ARK Month is held in April.  Our youth are encouraged to plan and show acts of kindness to family, friends and everyone they meet as we concentrate on this important Fruit of the Spirit. Teams are encouraged to engage in service projects in our community.

Vacation Bible School - VBS brings to life Bible stories through songs, videos, drama, and classes while encouraging friendships, fellowship and outreach for our youth.  This summer program each June is sponsored by the Sunday School Department.

National Day of Prayer - The National Day of Prayer is held each May.  Our youth and church gather in a prayer circle to pray for our nation, our community and our church.

See You at the Pole ​- See You at the Pole asks students to meet at their school flagpole to pray—for their school, friends teachers, government, and their nation. SYATP is scheduled annually on the fourth Wednesday in September with a suggested starting time of 7 a.m.

30 Hour Famine - The 30 Hour Famine provides students with the opportunity to grow closer to God and each other as they fast for 30 hours to raise awareness of global hunger.  Students explore ways they can fight the problem of hunger.

Fall Festival​ (October) – The Fall Festival is an outreach event for the community and church youth the last week of October.  This event provides a safe environment for youth to enjoy visiting booths and enjoy activities run by volunteer church members.